In our 5th and last year in the university, the professor´s gave us a vast region where we could intervene, and after we analyse that region, we would individualy, chose both a place and a program.
After a thorough analysis, I chose to make a termae in a location that in the past, hosted one. The main concern, which was the termae quality of the watter was present (the location had sulphorous watter´s), which was good for breathing problems.
The next step was to think the approach. When we think of a boiling spring, we think a introspective space, where we can fill ourselfs with good energy. With this principle in mind, i made two levels. The first (ground floor) was made to visit the area, and to give the possibility of visitorts to get to know the plaec without compromising those that are enjoying the boiling springs. The lower level was where all the pool´s and tanks where included. The program followed what the ancient romans had on their termae. The Apoditérium, the Caldárium, the Sudatórium, the Tepidárium and the frigidárium.