The project was a result from the thesis investigation. After a thorough analysis and investigation of the location, I determined that it desperatly needed some kind of intervention since pretty much all the legacy had been destroid. In this premise, and taking advantage of the remaining elements from the period (the entrance of the mine, a wall and a tank), I designed a valorization circuit that allowed people to visit, without the necessity of having someone at a reception selling tickets. The place it stands is somehow isolated and the volume of turists, although sometimes high, doesn´t pays off the employment of a permanent person. This way, it can be visited anytime, anyday and can prepel the name of Batalha further. The blueprints here displayed includes a fist analysis of what existed while the mine worked, then I included my project. After that there´s the investigation about the operary houses that never got to be construted, and finally photos of the 3D model of the project.